domingo, 17 de abril de 2016

Locating different inhabitants of Spain


Main objectives.
1. To locate different people living in Spain before the Roman invasion.

2. Introduction. In this activity, students  will use a fact sheet or an atlas to locate people living in Spain before the Romans.

3. Development. Each student will have the fact sheet and an atlas. They will also have a map of Spain. They will look for the information and they have to locate the different peoples on the Spanish map.

4. Final task. When they have finished the task, collect all the ideas and place the different cultures and peoples on a big Spanish map.

Task: Read the fact sheet and use an atlas to locate these cultures on a map.

Fact Sheet.

BEFORE THE ROMANS. Before Romans arrived to the Peninsula, Spain was inhabited by other people. These people are called Pre-Romans peoples.

When the Romans came, they met native people known as the Iberians. Iberians inhabited from the Southwest part of Spain thorough the Northeast part.

Celts used to live in the North and Northwest part, while CeltiIberians inhabited in the inner part of Spain.

But not only Pre-Romans lived in the Peninsula before the Romans. Other cultures came from the Mediterranean and found in Spain a good place for their business, such as the Phoenicians, who stayed in the South part of Spain, the Greeks who inhabited the East coasts from Catalonia to Valencia or the Carthaginians who came from Africa and stayed in different places like Murcia, Andalucia or Islas Baleares.

Thanks to all these cultures, a lot of new things were introduced in Spain, such as the writing method, coins, unknown animals and plants, new techniques for agriculture…

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