martes, 12 de abril de 2016


v Amphitheatre: an open air, semi-circular structure built on a hillside in which many people could watch theatre or sporting events.

v Aqueduct: a type of bridge built to transport water overland into a town or a city.

v Assemblies: a political institution made up of Roman citizens that made laws and elected public officials.

v Barbarian: a person or community that was not part of the Roman civilization and who were considered to be less civilized.

v Conquer: to take control of a people or place by force.

v Dictator: an elected official given absolute power over Rome in times of crisis.

v Emperor: the ruler who had total authority over the Roman Empire.

v Latin: n. language of the Roman city area, later spoken all over the Roman Empire.

v Legion: the main unit of the Roman army, made up of between 3000 and 6000 soldiers.

v Magistrates: people who governed the city.

v Pantheon: the group name for all of the Roman gods.

v Patrician: a noble or member of the Roman aristocracy.

v Plebs: ordinary people from Rome´s lower social classes.

v Republic: a system of government in which the people and their elected representatives hold power.

v Romanisation: the process of extending Roman culture throughout the territories of the Empire.

v Senate: the aristocratic institution responsible for decision-making during the Roman Republic and, to a lesser extent, during the Empire.

v Slave: a worker who has owned by a citizen. Slaves had few rights, but they could buy their freedom if they saved enough money.

v Toga: an item of clothing worn by Roman citizens, made from a single piece of material.

v Villa: a large country house that included land and a farm, worked by slaves and owned by a wealthy Roman citizen.

v Students will incorporate new words to glossary.

(SOURCE: Social Sciences. Geography and History 1.2GARCÍA SEBASTIÁN, M & GATELL ARIMONT. Barcelona. Vicens Vives, 2010)

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